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Some years are for growing, 2023 is for blooming.

Sheldene’s Thoughts: January 2023

Self-help books always top the bookseller charts in January as we are all determined to make better decisions, set loftier goals and whip ourselves into shape in the New Year.  As an “A type” personality I’ve always put aside some time in the beginning of the year to set myself some goals for the year ahead.  This year I’ve decided it’s going to be different, I’m not going to strategize on how to make the most of 2023, I’m going to rely on the fact that I have learned enough over the past 5 decades of my life to know who I am, what I like and what’s good for me.  I’m not going to grow this year …I’m going to bloom!

We are all so focused on maximizing every moment of every day that we are left drained.  We are so busy ticking off “To-do” lists and attending to the next thing on our agenda that we never feel like we are entitled to enjoy the fruits of our labours.  We are always focused on some point in the future where “everything will be just right” –  we neglect the fact that the beauty of life, is right here in the moment to be enjoyed.

When plants get the right sunlight, nutrition, water and care they bloom.  Somerset Surgery and MASC laser clinic gives you access to experts who can help you bloom.  You don’t need to work it all out yourself, you don’t need to be “the best you can possibly be” before you put yourselves into the care of our experienced professionals.  Come for a consultation and together we will help you bloom beautifully.




Masc Laser
1 Comment
  • Sandra Woest
    Posted at 14:28h, 18 January

    Hi Sheldene,

    All the best to the Toogood and MASC family.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts This is a beautiful message, and I’ve just decided that I will join your Blossoming movement for 2023.

    Being part of the planning, learning and growing team for 5 decades myself,, your message made me realise once again that we are living our past plans and preparations, and time to Blossom.

    I have to thank you, Johnathan and all the beautiful ladies who take such excellent care of my skin. Not only am I happy with my skin, but also receive so many compliments and happy that all the ladies in my family are now part of the MASC fans.

    I will see you ladies in a few days for my first 2023 treatment.




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